Friday, March 18, 2011

I had the weirdest dream last night. First it started off pretty cool. I swear, in all my dreams I'm single, I guess. Or something weird. I dunno. Like my subconscious is, but then I'm aware that I'm married at some point in them. So dumb. Disclaimer: I love my husband. I would not, nor would I never, cheat on him.

Okay, so now that I've clarified that. So, it started out that I was invited by Bam Margera to a party. So I was like, "Cool shit, bro. Count me in." And then he was all, "You can be my date." So I'm all, "Um, ok."
So, I get to the party & Bam & I are just hanging out, drinking a bit and talking. So then he's like, "Oh, I wanna introduce you to this kid. He does videos on YouTube and is wicked awesome. I think you guys would hit it off." So, I'm like, "What? Ok."  Guess who it is? One of my favorite YouTubers, Philip DeFranco.
Let me just say, I think PhillyD is cute & all, but I don't look at him going, "OMG I WANT TO FUCK HIS BRAINS OUT." My husband on the other hand, well....yeah. He's hot. Besides the point. So anyways, if you haven't checked out any of Phil's videos, you need to look him up. He has his main show which thephilipdefrancoshow and then he has his vloggity. Love them both. 

ANYWAYS, to finish my dream. So then Phil and I start talking and I'm telling him how I love his show and his vloggity and obviously stroking his ego. He cuts me off and is like, "Yeah, yeah, yeah. So can we go back to my place and fuck already?" And I'm like, "Um, 'scuse me?" And he says it again, so I say, "Dude, aren't you still with Lindsay?" (That's his GF in real life that he shows on his vlogs from time to time) He goes, "Oh it doesn't matter. What she doesn't know won't hurt her." So I'm like, "Dude, you're a fucking douche bag." And then he says, as I'm walking away, "BUT I'M FAMOUS ON YOUTUBE!!! I'M FAMOUS ON YOUTUBE!!!" lmfao. Like being famous on YouTube makes you a panty dropper. Hahahahahaha. Nonetheless, I still love Phil and his show/vlogs. I highly doubt he's like that IRL. I told Michael about this dream and we both laughed. My dreams are so fucked up.

GASP! I know why now. I forgot...I took a Tylenol PM yesterday to help me sleep. I always have the weirdest dream when I take those.

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