Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Story of my fucking life.

Ok, last picture? I want to lick his skin off.
Anyways, 19 DAYS 'TIL THE 30STM CONCERT!!!!!!
When my friends don't go all fangirl about things like I do, or when they don't understand my fangirl-ness....

Sunday, March 27, 2011

21 days!!!!!!!!!!!!
When Panic! At the Disco first came out, I loved their premiere cd. I haven't gotten another one since b/c where I live, they don't have any good radio stations. We have two top 40, 4 rap, 2 really old rock (which 95% of the songs are awesome, but still), but no "current" alternative/rock stations. So I never hear anything new. We have a college station, but all they play (consistently) is Screamo. I can only listen to that for about 5 minutes 'til I want to rip my head off.

Anyways, so I've gone on YouTube and have watched some of their new vids and I am starting to love them all over again. I remember when they first came out and I saw Brendon Urie and was all, "Um, no" because, well, he wasn't good looking. Amazing what a haircut can do (for the first two albums, his haircut made his head look like a penis to me). Now it's all short 'n messy, and he's gotten a bit older, and now I"m like, "Well, hello there."
Every time I meet someone new and find out that I have more and more in common with them, I always feel like I should be all:
"Can a dead man do this?"
Robert: Iwan only speaks Welsh it’s his first and only language. And you know it’s been hard it’s been difficult but we taught him what he needs to know for the show. For example(turns to Iwan) Say those 2 lines that we were practicing today.

Iwan: I’m not a pedofile.

Robert: and the other one

Iwan: I wanna piss on you’re tits

Hilarious behind the scenes of Misfits. I swear, I have watched this every day. Here's the link to it. Prepare to laugh.
I seriously wish there was a soundtrack that would play when having sex. And that there's be slo-mo. Like in tv shows/movies. It'd be a whole lot cooler.  What would be my soundtrack?

1. "Spanish Sahara" - Foals
2. "Six Underground" - Sneaker Pimps
3. "Angel" - Massive Attack
4. "Euphoria" - Collide
5. "Razor Sharp" - Collide
6. "I'm So Sick (T-Virus Remix)" - Flyleaf vs. The Legion of Doom
7. "The Outsider" (Renholder Apocalypse Mix) - A Perfect Circle
8. "Talk Show Host" - Radiohead

That's all I've got for now. I love all those songs despite the whole doing it to them or not. They're pretty good songs to just mellow out to. With the exception of the Flyleaf & APC ones since those are a little harder. I heard "Spanish Sahara" on a recent episode of "Misfits" that I watched the other night. Of course it was playing when Alisha & Simon were getting it on. :) I love Simon & Alisha.
I find this to be so true. Really. That's why I keep my shower curtain open all the time. I have this irrational fear that there's going to be some crazy, psycho murderer behind the curtain when I open it. Moreso that than a dead body. Weird.
I love his humor. It's pretty much like mine. Crass. Hilarious. Snarky. He is my new hero when it comes to comedy. Is it weird that he's younger than I am? Not by much, but still. He's awesome.
So, I recently got into that UK show "Misfits", and can I please say how much I freakin' LOOOOOOVE it?! I have one more episode left, but I might restart it all and re-watch it. I think there's a 3rd season, but it's not on DVD yet. Robert Sheehan & Iwan Rhoen are my new favorite actors. Robert is so sexy. But so is Iwan in his own weird way. He's like creepy hot? I don't know.

So, who do I 'ship? Aalisha & Simon as a couple for SURE!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

So, while at my parents house doing laundry, I rented "Charlie St. Cloud" off the OnDemand. I've been wanting to see it ever since it was in the theaters, but never had the chance. I finally gave in and watched it. I put it off for the longest time b/c I hate when movies make me cry like a freakin' baby. Before the movie even started, I started chanting, "It's not real. It's not real. It's NOT real."

Yeah, that failed to help. When Efron first came on the scene, I kind of laughed with him being a part of that High School Musical bullshit, but i have to hand it to the kid. He's a great actor. He was super funny in "17 Again", and then he showed a whole different side to him in this movie. Plus, he's hot. That helps, too. This movie was SO good. There were moments were I was literally like, "OMG WHAT?!" See this movie!!
24 Days.....
....i just came...

Monday, March 21, 2011

Oh how boys make me laugh.
This bitch needs to be punched in the fucking face. You are NOT talented. Being auto tuned means you have absolutely ZERO fucking talent. Your song talks about waking up in the morning, eating cereal, waiting for a bus, an deciding which seat to fucking take & then hanging out and having fun with your friends. You're 13. You're fucking stupid. You should be fucking slapped for thinking that you can be comparable to The Beatles & the Rolling Stones. I hope a tiger eats your face off.
That awkward moment when Rebecca Black asks Justin Bieber to do a duet, and he has to say "Never".
I love "Walk Hard" so, so much. Especially this scene.
27 Days. 
It needs to go faster. 
I so will not have a voice after this concert.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

GUESS WHO IS SEEING 30 SECONDS TO MARS ON APRIL 17TH?!?!?!? Me, bitches! I'm so fucking psyched, you don't even know. I absolutely love them. Jared's live voice is amazing, too. I saw them about 3 years ago up in Chicago, but this time they'll actually be in Champaign, Illinois @ the Assembly Hall. I live like 2 minutes from the Assembly Hall. Guess who's gonna be cabbin' it so I can get my drink on?

Our seats are super close, too. We're in section A (one level up from floor) and to the side of the stage a bit. I've been in the same sort of area when I saw the Deftones, and those seats were awesome. I had a perfect view of the stage/Chino/etc. So, I'm hoping this is the same sort of deal. We're in row 9, so not too far back, either. yes, I'll be stuffing my digital camera in my titties so when I get patted down they don't feel it. You know this betch is taking some pics since I didn't get to take my camera last time I saw them. I wish it was general seating, though. Last I saw them I was RIGHT up front b/c me and my friend got there hella early to wait in line and stuff. Then we just RAN to the front once they let us into the club area. I hope they do a meet 'n greet type thing again...that'd be awesome. I'm so excited. SO EXCITED!!!
PS - please excuse if there might be an over abundance of Jared/30STM posts due to said excitement. But it's Jared....are you really that disappointed?
Sorry I haven't been posting much recently. Epic fail for me. :x I've been away from my laptop for the most of this weekend off, sadly enough. I was hoping on playing a hermit this weekend, but failed miserably. I didn't do anything fun, really. I did things I really, really didn't want to do but was forced to.

In other news, it's been a Harry Potter weekend all weekend long. I love when ABC Family does that. Every time they play scenes for DH Part 2, I cry. I'm going to be like this:

Friday, March 18, 2011

I'm not going to embed the following video, but if you like perverted humor, you should check this out. I swear, I think I've watched it five times now, & have died laughing EVERY SINGLE TIME. It's called "You're so Hot" starring Dave Franco (James Franco's brother) & Christopher Mintz-Plasse (McLovin' from Superbad). It's on funnyordie.com.


Did you die laughing? My favorite is when Dave says, "I wanna take my foreskin and stretch it...." etc. When he does that I fucking DIE. Just die.
This girl in the "Friday" video by Rebecca Black cracks me up. Is she okay? BTW, that song fucking blows. Oh wait...what day comes after Saturday again? If you haven't seen this video, you have to watch it. And laugh.
PS - she's having fun kickin' it in the backseat.
I had the weirdest dream last night. First it started off pretty cool. I swear, in all my dreams I'm single, I guess. Or something weird. I dunno. Like my subconscious is, but then I'm aware that I'm married at some point in them. So dumb. Disclaimer: I love my husband. I would not, nor would I never, cheat on him.

Okay, so now that I've clarified that. So, it started out that I was invited by Bam Margera to a party. So I was like, "Cool shit, bro. Count me in." And then he was all, "You can be my date." So I'm all, "Um, ok."
So, I get to the party & Bam & I are just hanging out, drinking a bit and talking. So then he's like, "Oh, I wanna introduce you to this kid. He does videos on YouTube and is wicked awesome. I think you guys would hit it off." So, I'm like, "What? Ok."  Guess who it is? One of my favorite YouTubers, Philip DeFranco.
Let me just say, I think PhillyD is cute & all, but I don't look at him going, "OMG I WANT TO FUCK HIS BRAINS OUT." Yeah...no. My husband on the other hand, well....yeah. He's hot. Besides the point. So anyways, if you haven't checked out any of Phil's videos, you need to look him up. He has his main show which thephilipdefrancoshow and then he has his vloggity. Love them both. 

ANYWAYS, to finish my dream. So then Phil and I start talking and I'm telling him how I love his show and his vloggity and obviously stroking his ego. He cuts me off and is like, "Yeah, yeah, yeah. So can we go back to my place and fuck already?" And I'm like, "Um, 'scuse me?" And he says it again, so I say, "Dude, aren't you still with Lindsay?" (That's his GF in real life that he shows on his vlogs from time to time) He goes, "Oh it doesn't matter. What she doesn't know won't hurt her." So I'm like, "Dude, you're a fucking douche bag." And then he says, as I'm walking away, "BUT I'M FAMOUS ON YOUTUBE!!! I'M FAMOUS ON YOUTUBE!!!" lmfao. Like being famous on YouTube makes you a panty dropper. Hahahahahaha. Nonetheless, I still love Phil and his show/vlogs. I highly doubt he's like that IRL. I told Michael about this dream and we both laughed. My dreams are so fucked up.

GASP! I know why now. I forgot...I took a Tylenol PM yesterday to help me sleep. I always have the weirdest dream when I take those.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

I laugh every time I look @ this. I friggen love this movie.
I want to go to a party with my husband & totally say this when we walk through the door. This needs to happen.
"I made you a painting. I call it 'Celebration'. It's sexual and violent. I thought you might like it."
"MA! Meatloaf! FUCK!"
Ironically...I'm making meatloaf for dinner tonight. I wish my BFFL was here so she can yell meatloaf at me.
"Let's go shoot some birds. I'm psyched!"

This one is for my bffl

"I gotta pocket, gotta pocket full of sunshine...."
Yeah, I was totally like this in the shower a couple days ago. LOL.
I want to travel around the world with Karl Pilkington. I would laugh SO HARD!!!
OMFG I AM DYING!! If you watch The Ricky Gervais show on HBO, you'll get this. But still, nonetheless, it will make you smile. It's better when you hear Karl Pilkington actually say the words. *dies*
I friggen LOVE Simon Pegg. I can't wait to see Paul. I don't even give a fuck if it's awful. But it's Simon Pegg & Nick Frost. It won't be. :)

Saturday, March 12, 2011

Also: I ordered pizza from Pizza Hut, like, almost an hour ago. Granted it's a Saturday night but all we ordered was:

2 four piece Pizza Rolls
1 Meaty Pizzone
1 5pc. Cheesy breadsticks

NOT THAT HARD! NOW HURRY UP. I seriously haven't eaten all day. My stomach is KILLING ME. I'm cranky. I want my friggen food. NOW!
I was going to post a slew of funny shit since I've been at work the past few days, but I'm too tired to be funny.

Y U SO TRUE?! I hate that. I do my makeup all awesome. My hair is awesome. I look in the mirror and I think I look pretty awesome (mind you, this is rare...so on the occasions where I'm like, "oh, maybe I am a little pretty"). Then I take a picture with my camera. And it's then all shot to hell. FUCK YOU DIGITAL CAMERA!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Zach Galifinakis is so fierce.
Totally going to tell this to my children (whenever I have them) when they get older: