Thursday, February 24, 2011

True story:
Tonight I went to dinner with my parents to Houlihan's & our waiter, of course, comes up to us and asks us how we're doing (before asking what we wanted to drink). So out of niceness, my dad says, "We're good. You?" Waiter than proceeds with the following:
"Well, my dog had emergency surgery today, so, it's been a rough couple of weeks."
Awkwardness ensues as he goes on about his dog's surgery. I just want a damn Pepsi and some fish tacos.
We finally order our drinks. He comes back. He then proceeds with the following:
"So, yeah. It's been a rough couple of days. However, things are looking up, you know? I got offered a job with [enter place here. I was trying too hard to contain my laughter], so hopefully things will start turning around."
He totally came back into the convo like he never freaking left. Dude, when a customer is nice enough to say, "We're good. You?", you just respond with, "Doing good! Now, what can I get you to drink/eat?" Simple enough, right?

Ugh. Thanks for making my dinner sufficiently awkward. Oh, and:

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