Sunday, February 27, 2011

SERIOUSLY!!!! Why do rainbow cakes look so much tastier than other cakes? Is it because they're so colorful? Does someone want to make me one of these?
UGHHHHH! Rupert's face at this part when Bellatrix has Hermoine just KILLS me. I think Deathly Hallows has taken over as my favorite HP film. Now Half-Blood Prince is number 2 in my line of faves.

....I'm such a fucking nerd....
If you really think about it, she's kind of right.
Watching "Miss March" right now on HBO. I know that this movie doesn't portray women in the BEST of lights, however, the immature person in me absolutely loves this movie. My favorite part is when Horsedick[dot]Mpeg makes one of his hoes go to the back to have sex with Trevor Moore's character and she's getting naked and is all, "You want summa dis?" and he's all, "Yeah."  Then they hit a bump in the road and she flies out the god damned window of the tour bus. I die laughing every time.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

My Mother: "Hey Brooke, you should...."
Me: *cuts her off* & then is all:
If your heart didn't just skip a beat, or if you didn't say "Awwww" out loud, or if you didn't feel the slightest bit giddy by seeing the above picture, then I will come and light you on fire. Believe me, I'll know who you are.  I really want to get that hoodie-whatever thing for my Chihuahua! SO DAMN CUTE!
This video from Funny or Die is awesome. I love the Dawson. Link is safe, btw. It will take you to to watch the video. I PROMISE!
STEPHEN MERCHANT ON CONAN!!!!! At first I didn't want to see "Hall Pass" b/c it looks fucking retarded. However, upon learning that Stephen Merchant is in that movie, I'm all:
This game is so amazing. I think I've played through ACII about 5 different times now. I've played through Brotherhood once (b/c I only rented it b/c I'm too cheap currently to actually buy it). I want a whole new AC to come out....please, Ubisoft?
True story:
Tonight I went to dinner with my parents to Houlihan's & our waiter, of course, comes up to us and asks us how we're doing (before asking what we wanted to drink). So out of niceness, my dad says, "We're good. You?" Waiter than proceeds with the following:
"Well, my dog had emergency surgery today, so, it's been a rough couple of weeks."
Awkwardness ensues as he goes on about his dog's surgery. I just want a damn Pepsi and some fish tacos.
We finally order our drinks. He comes back. He then proceeds with the following:
"So, yeah. It's been a rough couple of days. However, things are looking up, you know? I got offered a job with [enter place here. I was trying too hard to contain my laughter], so hopefully things will start turning around."
He totally came back into the convo like he never freaking left. Dude, when a customer is nice enough to say, "We're good. You?", you just respond with, "Doing good! Now, what can I get you to drink/eat?" Simple enough, right?

Ugh. Thanks for making my dinner sufficiently awkward. Oh, and:
*Licks screen*  I need to stop searching for delicious items on Tumblr.
Holy balls.....this looks so good. I've been craving chocolate chip cookies like crazy lately.
Watched the premiere episode of "Shedding for the Wedding" on the CW last night. It is amazing!! And I'm not saying that because our friends Laura & Austin are on it. Go Team Football!! You should cheer them on, too.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Have you ever been talking to someone and thought this in your head?
That awkward moment when you're sitting between your husband and your father during a movie (in my case it was "Unknown" w/ Liam Neeson), and there's a steamy love scene. Your husband has on his best poker face and is watching it w/ an 'I Don't Give A Fuck' attitude, and your dad looks over to you to show you how uncomfortable he is as well as yourself.
Listening to 30 Seconds to Mars' album "This is War" for the umpteenth time. Jared's voice is amazing. I love every single song on it. It's well mixed/produced. I want to cover every song...for serious. Right now I'm listening to "100 Suns". It's so pretty. Sing it, Jared. Sing it. PS - Jared pulls of pink hair better than most girls.
This movie is most epic. The end.
"The deluminator. It doesn't just turn off lights. I don't know how it worked, but Christmas morning I was sleeping in this little pub keeping away from some Snatchers, and I heard it. A voice. Your voice, Hermoine. You said my name...just my name, like a whisper. So I took it, clicked it, and this tiny ball of light appeared, and I knew. It flew towards me, the ball of light. Right through my chest, straight through me. Right here. *points to heart*"
-Ron Weasley.
Ugh....I can't even. This makes me cry each time I've read it or see it played on in the move. </nerdiness>
10 Random Facts About Me (for those that don't know already)
1. I'm adopted. Yes, I was a baby when this happened. It took a year for my adoption to go through the court system (they lost my papers once). Yes, I've met my birth mother & no, we no longer are in contact.

2. I'm obsessed with Harry Potter. Not to the point of knowing EVERY single character and super detailed things, but nonetheless, I love it like woah.

3. I'm so much more of a nerd than people might think. I try to hide this, like, all the time. In fact, I'm surprised I'm even married to someone who I don't think is all that geeky (although he thinks he is). And he's good looking.

4. I'm incredibly insecure. Compliments make me incredibly uncomfortable.

5. I am not a fan of hugging (unless drunk). Yes, I hug my family and my husband, but as far as hugging my friends, I don't particularly like it unless I've known them a super long time. Sometimes even then it still makes me uncomfortable.

6. I watch the Disney Channel, like, a LOT. "Wizard of Waverly Place" is my favorite show on the Disney Channel. I like watching the Disney Channel b/c I get sick of all the reality tv/sex talk/whatever that's on normal television.

7. I'm not religious. I'm stuck in a place where I don't know what to believe. I hate when people preach to me about God/Jesus/whatever. Just leave me be.

8. I love British culture. I want to live in the UK. And before you even ask if I've even been there...yes, I have, and I'm going back this summer to visit my in-laws.

9. I'm overly nice. I know that sounds really, um, egotistical about myself, but I am. I hate confrontation. When things bother me, I just bottle it up and stay nice to whomever it was that upset me. If I don't like someone for whatever reason, I'm still nice to them. I don't speak up for myself for ANYTHING. However, in all the years I've been this way, I'm really trying to kick the habit.

10. I'm obsessed with makeup. I could live in Sephora. Makeup Forever is my favorite brand of makeup, and it's one I would endorse to anyone. I can totally justify spending $40 on my Makeup Forever HD Foundation (in #110) every 3-4 months. I could even think of ways to justify spending $200-plus in one single visit. I have to stay away from the mall now that we have a Sephora here in Champaign, IL. I'm only allowed to go when I do need foundation (or something else that I'm out of). I usually take Mike with me since his attention span for Sephora is nil. He makes sure that I don't start wandering about the store staring at things or over buying items.

And those are 10 random things about me....if you even cared. But whatever. Awkward Jared Leto loves you.
I wish the wizarding world really existed.
I'm a bigger nerd than most people really understand.
My parents just told me that they're going to California next month to visit my grandparents (my mom's parents) for a week or whatever. I wish I could go with them. Why? Because I want/need another vacation from life. I want to see my awesome cousins. And I want delicious fruity Pinkberry b/c I forgot to get some last time I was there (Aug. 2010).
We don't have Pinkberry here in Illinois. We do have that new CocoMero whatever place which is pretty much the same thing (but Pinkberry's better). However, it's on the University of Illinois campus. Trying to maneuver that shit during the school year makes me want to punch babies.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Shakes come and go, but friends are FURRRRRRRRRever!!! I flippin love this movie. The mom is amazing. However, if someone gave me a shirt like this, I'd be all:

Warning: Nudity Ahead

Would you fuck me? I'd fuck me.
PS - you kinda have to play "Goodbye Horses" by Q Lazzarus while looking at this picture b/c it reminds me of Jason Mewes in Clerks II when he starts doing this shit.'re welcome, ladies (and some gents).
I want this feather earring from I know it's just one earring...but that's the point. In my other ear I'd wear a hoop. It's cool. This earring is only $30 on I'm soooo tempted.....
I bet my husband would think it's weird if I just got one earring & then wore a different earring in each ear. But whatever. He's a straight non-metrosexual guy. He doesn't get it.
Totally my face sometimes when talking to my mom....
I'm not a parent yet (not even close to being pregnant), but, does it make me a bad parent-to-be (down the road: again - not pregnant) to think it's kind of funny when kids swear???

.....I'm so screwed......

Monday, February 21, 2011

These cupcakes are so damn cute!!! But I want them in my mouth. Why have I been on a cupcake obsession lately?
So, you know that feeling when you go somewhere to get a hot coffee (for me, it'd be Starbucks) and you drink 1/2 of it. Then you set it down for about two minutes, come back, take a drink and it tastes luke warm/cold? That makes me feel like this:

But still, Starbucks....I love you.

This dude (Henry Cavill) is the new Superman. I hate Superman....but I will love him now. Henry Cavill is a bad ass. And "The Tudors" is amazing.
Whenever my husband starts playing random shit on his guitar, I'm all:

He barely has to even try...
Holy WHAT???
Who would've thought, right? I <3 Gerard Way.

Saturday, February 19, 2011

God damn, I'm going to cry all throughout Deathly Hallows part 2. I'm dreading this day only for the fact of the crying...and that it'll be over.
Finally got around to watching Series 3 of The Inbetweeners w/ Michael today. I freakin' love that show. They have all episodes on YouTube. You have to watch this shiz.
Why is it I always find the really fucked up ones hilarious?

On a side note, I'm going to go watch "Highway" for the 2nd night in a row to fall asleep to since nothing else worth while is on at 3am. Fuck you insomnia. So I leave you with this for the night. The most adorable face Jared Leto makes in that movie:
Ladies, did your ovaries just explode?

Friday, February 18, 2011

My husband has been farting every 15 minutes....seriously....
When someone I don't like all that much is thinking they're all funny by teasing me I'm all:
'Cept I don't say the last part out loud. Mostly in my head. But you know what I've learned? Haters are gonna hate.

This music video was probably a blast to make. Sometime I should take my friends to an abandoned pool with a bunch of day-glo colored powder and tons of glitter and have a colored powder/glitter fight. That would be epic.

Don't hate me for my like of Ke$ha or I'll punch you in the ovaries.